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5+1 Steps for the Ultimate Summer Skincare Routine

Summer is finally here, and your mood board most likely includes a clear and glowy skin. Longer daylight, hot weather, and humidity can lead to sweat, clogged pores, dark spots, and even sunburn. You need to follow the right steps and use the right products to prevent those summer effects and enjoy summer as you deserve!

The proper skincare routine will work for you year-round if you stick to it, but you can make a few modifications to help reduce the seasonal side effects of summer on your skin.

Like all of us, dermatologists spend their summers in the same sun, but their skin remains clear and glowing the entire time. Sure, it's part of the job, but even pros must work harder to avoid breakouts and reduce UV damage during the summer months.

Here are some tips for your summer skincare routine:


Proper UV protection is the most important step in any skincare routine throughout all months, especially during the summer season when you inevitably spend more time in the sun.

It may be our first tip, but make sure sunscreen is the last step in your skincare routine.

It is also essential to reapply sunscreen every couple of hours, so pack extra sunscreen for long summer days outdoors. Physical sunblocks protect the best as they actually shield your skin from UVA, UVB, and UVC rays unlike chemical sunblocks that scatter the rays temporarily. Look for zinc oxide at the active ingredient.

Pro tip: Set an alarm on your phone as a reminder for the next application.

2. Lighten Up Your Moisturizer

If you're not wearing a winter coat, why should your skin?

Our skin needs to be moisturized during the summer months, even though we are sweatier. However, you don't need a cream as heavy and rich as it is in winter. 

A heavy moisturizer can feel like it's weighing your face down when it's hot out. We suggest finding a lighter one. You can try out samples and figure out which suits you better.

3. Invest in a Good Vitamin C Serum

Vitamin C is great year-round but more important in the summer. It helps prevent hyperpigmentation, improves the appearance of fine lines, and can help with collagen production.

Try Alpha C, the ultimate vitamin C & retinol serum for dehydrated and sun-damaged skin. 

Layer a few drops on your skin between toner and moisturizer.

4. Exfoliate Every Other Evening

Sunscreen is important, and sweat is the body's natural way of cooling off. But both can do a number on your pores. That's where exfoliation comes in.

Regular exfoliation helps unclog the pores, but make sure not to overdo it. Once or twice a week is enough for your skin to detox. Our Daily Detox is actually designed to be used safely every night, but most scrubs are ideal alternated every other night. 

Here’s the Rub: The Truth Behind Facial Scrubs and Exfoliators

5. Properly Wash Your Face

You don't need to wash your face or shower constantly when it's hot. Your body creates its own moisturizing factors that hold water in the skin. When you wash those away, the skin's top can be dehydrated.

Choose the right foaming or gel cleanser for your skin that will not impact your skin and keep the right balance of your skin's condition.

6. Stay in the Shade.

I am sure you have heard this before, but I am here to remind you. All our experts recommend their patients wear sun-protective clothing, wide-brim hats, and sunglasses in the sun. Of course, we don't expect you to wear a long-sleeve shirt when it's 90 degrees outside, but try to expose as little of your body to direct sunlight as possible. You can sit beneath an umbrella, wear a hat, or limit your regular exposure to the sun. The sun provides many benefits for our overall health, but we must maintain the proper balance.