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Let’s Tweak Your Skin-Care Routine For Spring

Spring is in the air—and your skin loves it. 


The warmer season means our skin doesn’t have to brave the harsh winter air. We don’t have to worry about cold, dry climates, and our skin welcomes the higher moisture levels, warmer temperatures, and more sunshine. 


The new season also means it might be time to reevaluate your current lineup of skincare products. Let’s look at how you can tweak your routine to get that gorgeous Spring glow. 


If you suffer from dry skin…


Winter very likely meant your skin suffered the brunt of the cold weather. To bring color and vibrance back to your cheeks, we recommend a moisturizing and exfoliation combo to manage dull, sometimes flaky skin. 


A gentle deep cleansing mask made with naturally moisturizing ingredients can help keep your skin supple, and a mild exfoliant can slough away dead skin cells to rejuvenate your complexion. Try the Daily Detox—a unique cleansing formula that leaves your skin smooth and hydrated. 


If you have acne-prone skin…


It’s time to switch to a lighter moisturizer. Heavy creams may have been perfect for keeping your skin moisturized during cold months, but for Spring, the warmer climate means you’ll be sweating a lot more. If you already have oily or acne-prone skin, you want a formula that’s less likely to clog your pores. 


Green Chemistry’s Phyto Flora serum is a great option. 


If you’re worried about managing mature skin…


Spring is the perfect time to boost your skin’s collagen production to help smooth lines and wrinkles. 

Aging skin requires ingredients that can help boost cellular turnover to make your skin appear brighter and fresher. Use a product like our Phyto Flora Supreme serum during the daytime under SPF and in the evening after applying toner. 


If you’re dealing with sensitive skin…


Winter often triggers redness and irritation for sensitive skin. While warmer weather helps calm this down, the next thing you have to worry about are seasonal allergies during Spring. Calm your skin by using a moisturizer containing known anti-inflammatory ingredients like niacinamide, avocado oil, and aloe vera. 


Give our Night Light a try.