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These Foods Are Deteriorating Your Collagen

They say abs are built in the kitchen. Well, the same can be true for collagen. Collagen is a protein that plays a vital role in your skin's appearance and health. The presence of collagen helps with your skin's elasticity and hydration. However, as you age, your body produces less and less collagen naturally, increasing fine lines and wrinkles as the years go on. 

It's important to be proactive about your collagen in your skincare routine, but you probably don't realize your diet's importance. Read up on what foods are deteriorating your collagen, plus a few tips on enjoying instead. 

White Sugar

Sugar plays an interesting role in your body and creates glycation. Glycation is when these sugar molecules attach themselves to fats and proteins. This process, also commonly known as AGEs, causes protein fibers to become stiff and malformed. The proteins in the skin most prone to glycation are collagen, which makes you have a youthful, plump glow. When those proteins attach with renegade sugars, they become discolored and weak. This appears on your skin as wrinkles, sagginess, and a loss of radiance. 

We understand a sweet tooth is no joke so try to alter your taste to get your sugar. Try to snack on dark chocolate or fresh fruit, or add honey for a sweet kick. 

Simple Carbs

Foods like white rice, white pasta, rice cakes, white bread, popcorn, and other simple carbohydrates are quickly converted to glucose, just like sugar. This glucose production causes your blood sugar to shoot up while attacking the collagen in your skin. 

Try to find sprout-based grains and bread to replace these common simple carbs. 


Margarine is full of trans fatty acids, which impact your skin. These acids make your skin more vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation, damaging skin's collagen and elasticity. Studies have found that margarine is worse than moderate amounts of real butter since it's high in partially hydrogenated oils.

Reach for olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, and more to replace margarine when cooking. 

Fried foods

Did you know that when foods are fried at high temperatures, they release free radicals? Free radicals can cause cellular damage to the skin, putting it on the fast track to visible signs of aging and the loss of collagen. In addition to the high temp, many fried foods are overly salty. An excess of salt can cause dehydration for your body and skin, making it more prone to wrinkles.

Processed meats 

Hot dogs, pepperoni, bacon, and sausage are all examples of processed meats. While you may find them tasty, they are all high in sodium, saturated fats, and sulfites. These ingredients can dehydrate the skin and weaken collagen by causing inflammation. 

Try swapping these meats out with leaner meats like turkey and chicken, which are full of protein and amino acids and naturally help your body produce collagen. You can also get this protein in by eating more eggs or beans. 


While dairy is high in calcium and benefits your health, it's important to pay attention to how much you consume and how your body reacts to it. Milk can be full of artificial growth hormones that make their way into our blood, affecting hormone and insulin levels. This can cause irritation, excess oil production, and cystic blemishes. These blemishes can also signify that you're consuming more dairy than your body can handle.

If you're a dairy lover, don't sweat it. Not everyone will react the same way to the dairy, so pay attention to your skin! Stick with organic dairy products and use them in moderation. 


Alcohol depletes your nutrients, hydration, and vitamin A levels, all of which directly impact wrinkles. Having healthy levels of Vitamin A is a key aspect of new cell growth and the natural production of collagen. Many mixed alcohol beverages are also high in sugar, kickstarting the same AGEs process discussed earlier. 

Try to avoid these foods when possible to avoid halting your collagen production and battling premature fine lines and wrinkles. It's important to be mindful that what goes into your body can impact how it operates and looks. Many tasty options can replace these ingredients - just know what to keep an eye out for!