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The Healthy Skin Experience

10 Ultimate Skincare Tips for Winter

Dimitra Karagiannidi

While we enjoy the festive season, comfortable sweaters, and hot chocolate, we dislike how the cold weather affects our skin. Our skin appears to transition from healthy and plump to dry and damaged overnight.

Winter can be harsh on your skin, and it may feel as if there is no way out: Outside, the cold, windy weather leaves your skin red and raw, while interior heat zaps moisture from the air and your skin.

Fortunately, there are several strategies to battle the causes of dry skin and keep yourself wet and supple throughout the season, including some simple tweaks to your daily routine.

Here are 10 easy tips for beautiful winter skin:

1.Use a Humidifier

Humidifiers help protect your skin when you're indoors by replacing moisture in the air and maintaining an appropriate humidity level (about 40-60%).

Run a humidifier throughout your home or in the rooms where you spend the most time, and aim to keep indoor humidity levels between 30 and 50%. One option is to leave it turned on while you sleep. If you are unsure about the humidity levels in your home,

2. Avoid Hot Showers

Long, steamy showers may sound appealing when it's cold and windy outside, but too hot water can dry out the skin. Hot water removes the oils from your skin, making it more prone to dryness, peeling, and flaking. Try to chill it at the water temperature to keep as much moisture as possible.

3. Moisturize At The Right Time

Humectants like pure hyaluronic acid and glycerin should be applied to slightly damp, freshly washed skin. However, AHAs and creams work best on completely dry, clean skin. Apply your body oil or lotion before your skin completely dries after a cool shower. This aids in the retention of more moisture.

4. Drink Water

While we are all aware of the need to be hydrated, many people neglect drinking enough water, especially during winter days. Water keeps your body moisturized and revitalized, and it also helps retain the flexibility of your skin. People who drink a lot of water have fewer scars, wrinkles, and soft lines, and they don't exhibit as many indications of aging as those who consume a lot of water.

5. Apply Sunscreen

Snow reflects the sun's beams on bright winter days, increasing your UV exposure, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation. According to the American Cancer Society, UV radiation has been linked to skin cancer, sunburn, and premature skin aging (such as wrinkles, leathery skin, and liver spots).

That means that whether you're on the slopes, playing in the snow, or going through a parking lot on an errand run, applying sunscreen in the severe winter weather is just as necessary as it is in the summer.

Don't be deceived by the darker, dismal days of winter. Up to 80% of the sun's damaging UV rays can penetrate clouds and cause damage.

6. Choose Skin Care Products Wisely

What makes your skin happy in the summer can make it sad in the winter. As a result, you should adjust your skin care products accordingly. Gentle skin care products are the key to healthy, beautiful winter skin.

To avoid depleting your skin's natural moisture barrier, choose cleansers that contain moisturizers. If you experience acne or breakouts, utilize ceramides, hyaluronic acid, hydration serums, and glycerin-containing products to help rebuild your skin's moisture barrier.

7. Do Not Exfoliate Too Much

Exfoliating the skin aids in the removal of dead cells. Exfoliating your skin once a week is sufficient; this aids in skin renewal and product absorption. You must exercise caution throughout the winter because your skin's barrier is already damaged due to the dry and cold weather.

You should also exfoliate according to your skin type. Exfoliate your skin softly if you have dehydrated skin. Once a week is sufficient if you have mixed or oily skin.

8. Don't Forget The Hands 

The skin on your hands contains fewer oil glands than on any other area of your body. As a result, moisture quickly evaporates from your hands, rendering them prone to cracks and irritation. Apply a moisturizer before leaving the house.

9. Wear Clothing

Many winter clothes might irritate dry winter skin. Avoid exposing your skin to wool and scratchy garments. This can make dry skin irritable and itching.

Instead, wear light layers against your skin made of soft, breathable materials (such as cotton or silk). Then, put on your thicker, warmer sweaters.

10. Follow A Daily Skin Care Routine

It doesn't have to be complicated. Here's a basic and easy skincare routine that everyone can use to keep their skin happy during winter. Cleanse your skin once or twice a day, ideally in the morning and before night.

Apply a mild daily moisturizer to lock in moisture after washing your face in the morning. Because freshly washed skin absorbs moisture better, this should be done on damp skin. Use a thick moisturizer or sleeping cream at night.