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A mask, scrub, or cleansing balm? How & why Daily Detox came to be

The Healthy Skin Experience

A mask, scrub, or cleansing balm? How & why Daily Detox came to be

Brigitte Tolson


Amidst the surging popularity of multi-step cleansing routines, 11 layer (yes, this is real) night routines, and images of hundreds of products on a bathroom vanity going viral on Instagram, my goal with Daily Detox was simplicity. Could we create a make up removing cleansing oil, pollution fight mask, brightening enzyme exfoliant, and physical scrub all at one time? Daily Detox was incepted with city life in mind. Most of us arrive home late and tired (myself very much included) and don’t have time for a routine that emulates a Kardashian’s to remove the horrifying array of debris that’s settled on our skin along with the makeup and (hopefully) SPF we’ve intentionally applied. So what could remove both brake dust and waterproof mascara alike? We based Daily Detox off two of natures most powerful detoxifiers: activated charcoal and chlorophyll. Though you may know of chlorophyll for it’s vivid green color in water bottles at yoga classes and at holistic cafes in Santa Monica, chlorophyll is how plants create energy from light and gives all green plants their hue, and is responsible for the detoxifying effects of juice cleanses on the body. We extract the chlorophyll from a range of plants to get a perfect range of vitamins and minerals for the skin, including basil for magnesium and vitamin K, bacteria fighting neem leaf, eggplant for B vitamins and potassium, as well as henna, turmeric, and amber, rosemary, and ivy gourd.

After we had our detoxifying herbs and nutrients more than covered, we needed a base that was full of plant butters and vitamin E to emulsify  keep skin hydrated while Daily Detox sat as a mask, and we found the perfect ingredient in local avocados blended with German and Roman chamomile oils which give Daily Detox it’s calming effect and it’s beautiful natural scent along with bergamot oranges, but the true work horse in Daily Detox is it’s first ingredient: papaya.

I always start my facials by steaming the skin with living enzymes from papaya, as these living microorganisms eat dead protein, which is what much of the debris we see in our pores (yes, “blackheads”) are comprised of, and it makes extractions much kinder to the skin as it loosens up clogged pores better than anything else can. As enzymes work more in warm, moist conditions (why we use steam in a facial), the enzymes in Daily Detox are designed to work better with friction, so the more you massage Daily Detox into your skin, the more the enzymes work to eat dead skin. We’ve added (completely biodegradable and ocean safe) jojoba beads to physically exfoliate  the skin, and because jojoba is a moisturizing oil and the beads are round, you cannot over exfoliate your skin with this treatment, and it’s safe and useful for removing the peskiest eye makeup.


So, just what is Daily Detox? If you know me, you know one of my pet peeves in this industry is watching companies “reinvent the wheel” and create new beauty products that are simply slight modifications on mainstays of skin care and convince you that you are missing a vital step (I’m looking at you, toners and essences) and despite developing two skin care lines, I like to keep things very simple. That all said, Daily Detox is about keeping things simple as it’s best described as a daily detoxifying mask that replaces your evening cleansing routine with superior results. 

So, let’s explore the benefits of what plants comprise Daily Detox and what they actually do to benefit the skin:


Papaya: First on the ingredient list, is papaya for it’s unique enzyme Papain. This enzyme is used in digestive enzymes for the same reason it’s used by facialists as their secret weapon before extractions: it breaks up dead proteins, which is much of what comprises the hardened debris in your pores. This loosens up all the dirt and makeup lodged into pores so they can actually decrease in size and is your absolute best weapon against black heads, white heads, and clogged pores. It’s also loaded with vitamins A and C in high concentration which are very important for brightening the skin and building collagen. Enzymes are living micro organisms that are more active in warm, moist conditions, which is one reason Daily Detox works best when massaged into the skin as the friction makes the enzymes and jojoba beads exfoliate and detoxify best.


Rosemary & Basil: These herbs are both great sources of clorophyll which gives Daily Detox it’s beautiful green color, but rosemary and basil are naturally antiseptic and have been used in Ayurveda to treat acne, dermatitis, inflammation and eczema for thousands of years. Their iron, calcium, vitamins and antioxidant content make them superb for fighting aging and brightening the skin as well. Rosemary contains rosemarinic acid, which is a natural preservative and keeps the other botanicals in Daily Detox fresh and active.


Eggplant: We use eggplant for it’s superb nutrient content, as it contains thiamine, niacin, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, copper, fiber, folic acid, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, and a powerful antioxidant called nasunin that protects the cells. Eggplant extract has also been used effectively to treat skin cancer.


Activated Charcoal: Activated charcoal is used medically in cases of poisoning, the toxic substance is attracted to the charcoal molecules and washed away. The same principal applies to Daily Detox, as we use activated charcoal to pull out pollution and toxic debris (not to mention dirt and makeup) from the depths of the pores and skin. We use true activated charcoal rather than carbon or charcoal, as it is much more porous and effective.  


Matcha Green Tea: With it’s many benefits, green tea contains a powerful antioxidant called EGCG that fights DNA damage from UV rays to prevent skin cancer. It also contains vitamin B2 which plays a crucial role in heathy aging as it’s necessary for building new collagen. It’s natural caffeine and tannins reduce water and inflammation, making it superb for puffiness and swelling from a blemish, sodium, or perhaps a fun night out. It’s also brightening thanks to it’s many catechins, and it’s vivid green hue also give Daily Detox it’s lovely color.


Amber: Our amber is a fossilized tree resin, in many ancient medicine practices, amber has been used to turn negative energy into positive energy to allow the body to heal itself. From a scientific stand point, the succinic acid content of amber stimulates healing in the skin and fights pathogenic bacteria.


Hyaluronic Acid: We use true hyaluronic acid, which is the most hydrating molecule known to science. This ingredient is one of many that makes leaving Daily Detox on as long as possible most beneficial, but it’s deeply hydrating qualities make it enhance every other botanical in our formula and essentially bring them to life.


Jojoba beads: Jojoba oil is actually a liquified wax that has a nearly identical structure to the skin’s natural oil, and when solid as a wax, the beads are perfectly round and make for a gentle but effective physical exfoliant that is completely safe and biodegradable. Because the particles are not abrasive in any way, you can massage Daily Detox into the skin for a full 5 minutes for optimal results and not experience any irritation yet feel exfoliated.


German & Blue chamomile: these highly valuable flowers are known for their blue azulene content and calm skin irritations like eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea. A study on skin lightening plants found multiple components of chamomile, including flavonoids which dramatically stopped melanocytes, thus brightening hyperpigmented skin. On top of all that, we both German and Roman chamomile give Daily Detox part of it’s euphoric natural aroma.


Ivy Gourd & Bitter Melon: These gourd vegetables are a superb source of beta carotene as well as iron. Iron plays an important role, because this mineral supplies oxygen to the skin, which is why we have multiple sources of it in Daily Detox. Beta carotene converts to vitamin A, which is unsurpassed for it’s fine-line and anti-aging capabilities.


Henna: Fresh Henna leaves are blended into Daily Detox for their long use in Ayurveda and other ancient medicines for their unique healing properties, and is used from everything for fungal infections to diaper rash, to tooth decay and beyond. We use Henna as a natural purifier and astringent. You can see there are no “soap” ingredients or surfactants in Daily Detox, and Henna’s naturally gentle and effective detoxifying properties assure that we can keep it that way.


Bergamot Oranges: A superb source for L-ascorbic acid, the benefits of vitamin C for the skin seem nearly endless, which is why it’s such a popular ingredient in skin care and has been for decades. We use the entire fruit for it’s many antioxidants and brightening abilities, and it’s lovely aroma comes through beautifully along with brightening geraniums.


Turmeric: this superfood has been used in skincare for a range of purposes, from it’s antioxidant benefits to it’s ability to promote healing and treat cystic acne. We use it because it’s the highest natural source for curcumin, which is incredibly brightening for old acne scars and sun damage.


Neem & Tea Tree oil: both of these oils have been used for centuries with much success to fight bacteria, fungus, and acne, but we also love them for their healing properties and vitamin E content for promoting healthy aging. 

Every ingredient in Daily Detox is a healing botanical, and this list above doesn’t actually cover every single ingredient.How to get the best results: Wash your hands thoroughly, the apply a fingertip sized amount of Daily Detox to your skin and massage in circular or “scrubbing” motion for 2-3 minutes, adding warm water only if you are wearing makeup. Allow the mask to then sit for 5 minutes or more, as this allows the many herbs and enzymes to continue to work to eat dead skin, and for the herbs and flowers to provide nourishment to your skin. Remove with warm water and a konjac sponge or microfiber cloth. Enzymes remove dead skin allowing AHAs and fruit acids to perform more deeply, so this is a perfect time to you use Phyto Glow or your prefer AHA product, once your skin has dried.

I adore this unique cleansing mask, the moment I opened the jar and saw the bright green color and whiffed an aroma that reminded me of my grandmother’s herb garden in England, I knew it would be a hit before I even got a chance to actually use it.  The results have been fantastic, and it’s managed to resolve the paradox many of my clients experience of being both dehydrated, but break out prone at the same time. It’s also superb for those with sensitive skin who have wished they could finally exfoliate without feeling red or raw after, as every herb is calming to the capillaries and skin.