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The Healthy Skin Experience

5+1 Bad Skincare Habits to Break Today

Dimitra Karagiannidi

When it comes to their skin, most people have at least a few unhealthy habits. Unfortunately, these poor decisions can impact your skin and perhaps harm it in the long run. 

Bad skincare habits are challenging to quit like any other bad habit. Unfortunately, these same practices sabotage our quest for clear, healthy skin. So, the sooner we can eliminate these unhealthy skin habits, the sooner we will be able to get the complexion we desire.

The path to clear and healthy skin is comprehensive. Products are important. But what we do in addition to using the proper things according to our skin type  is essential.

Let's take a look at some of the terrible skincare practices that jeopardize our skincare journey. Let's see if we can do it today!

#1 You Pick at Your Skin

Keeping your hands away from blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples is tough. They don't belong on your face, and squeezing them may seem like a fast treatment, but the harm you're inflicting on your skin is probably worse than having the blemish in the first place. 

Picking at your skin and the damage that comes with it can leave blemishes on your skin for much longer than if you just let the blemish alone. Acne scars can grow and take weeks, if not months, to heal. 

Furthermore, if your fingers are not clean, you may spread bacteria and oil onto your skin, exacerbating your breakouts. The straightforward approach is to keep your hands away from your face.

#2 Neglecting Sunscreen

Another unhealthy skin habit at the top of the list is not using sunscreen.

This is not only unpleasant for our sensitive skin, but it is also harmful. Skin cancer may be caused by not protecting our skin from the sun's damaging UV radiation (source).

So it's critical to use sunscreen every day, regardless of the season, even if it's overcast or rainy. Even though we can't see or feel its warmth, the sun is still out there.

If you sweat during the day, reapply sunscreen to ensure you're always covered.

#3 Smoking

You are already aware that smoking is harmful to one's health. It may also wreak havoc on your skin by depriving it of nourishment, causing uneven skin tone, and causing it to droop. Use the new year to kick a bad habit. 

You are endangering your skin's health and exposing it to injury if you smoke.

#4 Sleeping with Makeup On

One of the worst behaviors we've all been guilty of at some time is not washing our faces at the end of the day and sleeping with makeup on, and it should be at the top of the list of terrible skincare habits we need to quit as soon as possible.

Consider how much dirt, oil, dead skin, pollutants, germs, and bacteria build up on our faces during the day. Imagine allowing them to perch on our faces as we sleep. Yikes!

Also, makeup. No matter how clean or hypoallergenic our makeup is, it is not designed to stay on our skin overnight.

This lousy behavior is the root of many skin issues, including blocked pores, acne, and premature aging.

#5 Exfoliating Too Much/Too Little

Exfoliation removes dead skin cells from the skin's surface, allowing products to act more efficiently. Exfoliate at least once weekly with a product containing moderate fruit acids. 

Exfoliating too frequently might irritate your skin and cause it to break out more regularly, especially if you use tough granular products that contain sand or crystals.

#6 Constantly Touching Your Face

Is it just us, or does anybody else spend most of the day holding their face in their hands due to the continual deluge of Zoom meetings? Any outbreaks in those might be caused by repeated touching.

 "Because our palm skin is thicker, it can handle a lot of substances in hand lotion or hand sanitizer that might irritate the face," explains Dr. Loretta.

While it's easier said than done, merely keeping your hands away from your face will aid in healing any inflamed areas.

Today is the ideal time to begin paying attention to all of the negative skincare habits we've developed over the years. The first step is to understand what they are.

It may be challenging to get rid of them, and it may take some time, but it will be well worth it.

Enjoy your skin experimenting! Go here if you want to learn 10 Ultimate Skincare Tips for Winter.